Kristen Stewart
Hennes första roll var i Disney Channels film The Thirteenth Year, men hon hade ingen stor roll där. Hennes första självständiga film var The Safety of Objects där hon spelade en pojkflicka som var dotter till en bekymrad singelmamma. Kristen hade en väldigt stor roll i filmen Panic room. Hon fick positiv feedback från den filmen och många säger att det var här hennes karriär startade. Många av oss kände igen Kristen från filmen The Messenger som är en thriller (och hemsk som fan). Hon har även vart med i filmerna Zathura (som är riktigt bra!!) och Jumper. Den 16 November 2007 meddelade summit entertainmet att Kristen Stewart skulle spela Isabella "Bella" Swan i filmen Twilight som är baserad på Stephenie Meyer's novell. Kristen Stewart höll på att spela in Adventureland när hon fick erbjudandet att vara med i Twilight. Kristen har Kristen precis blivit klar med inspelningen till filmen New Moon som är uppföljaren till Twilight och hon börjar spela in Eclipse i Augusti.
Hon var även med i en kortfilm som heter Cutlass (rekommenderar starkt!). Just nu spelar hon in The Runaways och K-ll.
Kristen Stewart är ihop med Michael Angarano som också är en skådespelare. Dem träffades när dem spelade in filmen Speak (den är så himla bra!) tillsammans och har vart ihop i 3 år. Kristen Stewart är nära vän med Nikki Reed och Robert Pattinson. Trots rykten så nekar både Robert och Kristen att dem har någonting på gång.
Kristen Stewart vann Best Female Performance i MTV Movie Awards 2009.
Rolig Fakta
* Hennes fullständiga namn är: Kristen Jaymes Stewart
* Hon kallas för Kris och Kstew.
* Kristen är 1.68 cm lång.
* Hon är född och uppvuxen i Los Angeles men när hon var yngre så bodde hon i Colorado i några år men flyttade tillbaks till Los Angeles. Då flyttade hon in hos sina föräldrar
* Kristen var med i 18 filmer innan hon fyllde 18 år.
* Egentligen så skulle Hayden Panettiere spela Sarah Altman i filmen Panic Room.
* Hon är medlem i Röda Korset.
* Hennes riktiga ögonfärg är grönt. Hon var tvungen att ha bruna linser i filmen Twilight eftersom att Isabella har det.
* Kristen har tre hundar och en katt. Hennes hundar heter Oz, Jack och Lily. Hennes katt heter Jella och Kristen har sagt att hon älskar sin katt väldigt mycket och skulle dö om katten dog.
* Hennes favorit bok är East of Eden av John Steinbeck. Hon gillar även boken The Stranger av Albert.
Filmer som Kristen har varit med i (taget från Twilightsweden):
År: | Film: | Karaktär: |
2009 | New Moon | Bella Swan |
2009 | K-11 | Butterfly |
2009 | The Runaways | Joan Jett |
2009 | Welcome to the Rileys | Mallory |
2008 | Adventureland | Em |
2008 | Twilight | Bella Swan |
2008 | Jumper | Sophie |
2008 | What Just Happened | Zoe |
2008 | The Yellow Handkerchief | Martine |
2007 | Cutlass | ung Robin |
2007 | Into the Wild | Tracy Tatro |
2007 | The Cake Eaters | Georgia |
2007 | The Messengers | Jess |
2007 | In the Land of Women | Lucy Hardwicke |
2005 | Zathura: A Space Adventure | Lisa |
2005 | Fierce People | Maya |
2004 | Undertow | Lila |
2004 | Catch That Kid | Maddy |
2004 | Speak | Melinda Sordino |
2003 | Cold Creek Manor | Kristen Tilson |
2002 | Panic Room | Sarah Altman |
2001 | The Safety of Objects | Sam Jennings |
P.S Kolla in längre ner på bloggen, för utlottningen av Kristen Stewart design, och Veckans blogg. Dem gäller fram till söndag.
Interwiev with Taylor Lautner
MICHAEL MARTIN: How is the Twilight phenomenon sitting with you?
TAYLOR LAUTNER: It's the weirdest thing. Nobody really saw it coming. I mean, we knew we were making a movie of a very popular book, but we didn't know how well it was going to do. When it opened, it exploded, and that was not something any of us saw coming. Filming New Moon is a lot different than the first one because this time we know what we are getting into.
MARTIN: Do all the expectations psych you out?
LAUTNER: I don't think so. It puts a little more pressure on us than it did before. But for the most part, it's been a blast.
MARTIN: So what's in store for Jacob?
LAUTNER: He's a lot different than he was before. He transforms mid-story-in the first half, he's Twilight Jacob. I'm wearing a wig. My character's very clumsy, outgoing, and friendly. When he transforms into a werewolf, he becomes something very different. It's like I'm playing a split personality. Which is tricky, because sometimes I've had to play pre- and post-transformation Jacob on the same day of filming.
MARTIN: Is the premise similar to the book's?
LAUTNER: The coolest thing about the series is that we stay very true to the books; it would be silly for us not to, because the books are exactly what the fans want to see. There's an action side to it, which I love, and there are werewolves now. There aren't just vampires. There's a wolf pack.
MARTIN: What does it mean to turn into a werewolf?
LAUTNER: I think the most important thing with Jacob is that pre-transformation, he's clumsy. He trips over his own feet. As soon as he transforms, he's very agile. At one point, he flings himself through Bella's window and lands at her feet, and that's the first time Bella realizes this is a new Jacob: He never used to be this agile. I loved bringing out that side of him. The bummer is, when he becomes a wolf, that's not actually me. When he does the cool fight scenes, he's transformed into CGI.
MARTIN: You had to bulk up for the part.
LAUTNER: Absolutely. As soon as I finished filming Twilight, I knew I had to get to work right away; there could be no waiting involved. The day I finished Twilight, I came home and started bulking up. For New Moon, I'm 30 pounds heavier than I was in Twilight.
MARTIN: Do you feel like you're walking around in a different body?
LAUTNER: I don't at all. I haven't noticed much of a change. I grew out of a lot of my clothes, though. I went from a men's small to a men's large.
MARTIN: Are you turning more heads?
LAUTNER: I don't know. I should pay more attention to that. I hope so.
MARTIN: What was your training regimen?
LAUTNER: I was in the gym five days a week, two hours a day. At one point, I was going seven days straight. I had put on a lot of weight, and then I started losing it drastically, so I was worried. It turned out I was overworking myself. My trainer told me that I couldn't break a sweat, because I was burning more calories than I was putting on. The hardest thing for me was the eating. At one point I had to shove as much food in my body as possible to pack on calories. My trainer wanted me to do six meals a day and not go two hours without eating. If I would cheat on eating one day, I could tell-I'd drop a few pounds.
MARTIN: Are Twilight fans as intense as they seem?
LAUTNER: They are very intense, but it's cool that they're so dedicated and so passionate. They're the reason we're here doing this sequel. So I'm thankful for the fans. I like meeting them. But, yeah, they're pretty intense. Sometimes it becomes a little overwhelming.
MARTIN: Do they scream and rend their garments?
LAUTNER: We've met many different fans: the criers, who come around quite often; the hyperventilators who stop breathing and have to have a medic come. We've definitely seen some passion.
MARTIN: How does it feel to be the source of that sort of worship?
LAUTNER: I don't even know. I don't know if it's really hit me yet. They're just passionate for the series and for the characters, and we're just lucky enough to be a part of this. I don't think it has much to do with me personally; it's more because I'm playing the beloved Jacob Black.
MARTIN: Were you a Twilight fan before?
LAUTNER: I was not a vampire or werewolf fan at all. I'd never even heard of the series. I auditioned for the role, and as soon as I got it, I started reading the books. I'm not a reader, but I really did get hooked on them.
MARTIN: Do you hang out with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart?
LAUTNER: The whole cast is really close. It would be difficult for our characters if we weren't. It's a love triangle, and we need to understand each other. So the fact that we're close and can talk things through in rehearsals, and if we're out at dinner, we'll just randomly start talking about the scene we're shooting the next day . . . If we weren't able to do those things, I don't know where we'd be.
MARTIN: What's in store for that love triangle?
LAUTNER: Twilight develops the relationship between Edward and Bella. In New Moon, Edward leaves, and Bella needs someone to bring her out of this depression she's in, so she turns to her best friend, Jacob. It looks like it could go past friends. Bella's very confused. Jacob wants nothing more than to be more than friends. He wants Edward to get out of there so he can move in for the kill.
MARTIN: So to speak . . .
LAUTNER: Yeah. Bella's torn. She's still in love with Edward, but she's kind of fallen for Jacob, too. When I read the books, I felt bad for Jacob, because he can't have what he wants. I understand Jacob's pain but also Bella's pain-how she's confused and torn between the two.
MARTIN: You understood that from personal experience?
LAUTNER: From getting into the character and being surrounded by these really talented actors.
MARTIN: What would you like to do next?
LAUTNER: I love action films. I'd love to do an action drama. I'm always looking to give my character something action-oriented to do.
MARTIN: Is the third Twilight movie happening, and are you in it?
LAUTNER: Yeah. We're all staying focused on New Moon right now, but that's in the back of our minds.
MARTIN: What would you be doing if not acting?
LAUTNER: I always played sports when I was young. I played football and baseball for eight years. I loved football. So maybe I'd be doing some kind of sport. I also loved writing and directing. So maybe that could be in my future too. I'd love to get into that.
MARTIN: You want to be a screenwriter?
LAUTNER: Possibly. Right now I'm an actor. But I could see that in my future.
MARTIN: You've got some time.
LAUTNER: Yeah, I've got a few years ahead of me.
Text och bildkä
Peter Facinelli

Peter Facinelli föddes den 26 november, 1973 i Queens, New York. Han är alltså 35 år gammal. Peter's föräldrar, Pierino och Bruna, är italienare och han har 3 systrar. Peter studerade skådespeleri på Atlantic Theater Company Acting School i New York City. Hans lärare var bland annat William H. Macy, Felicity Huffman (från Desperate Housewives), Giancarlo Esposito, och Camryn Manheim. Peter gifte sig med Jenny Garth den 20 Januari, 2001. Dem har tre döttrar tillsammans. Luca Bella, Lola Ray och Fiona Eve. Peter är mest känd för sin roll som Carlisle Cullen i Twilight Film Sagan.
Peter har inte haft riktigt stora roller men han har varit med i många filmer. Peter var med i Hollow Man 2 tillsammans Christian Slater. Filmen kom ut Maj 2006. Han har även vart med i filmerna Riding in Cars with Boys, The Scorpion King och Can't hardly wait där han spelade Mike. År 2004 och 2006 så var han med i den framgångsrika tv-showen Six feet under.
Peter spelade Dr. Carlisle Cullen i Twilight filmen. Han är far till alla Cullen barnen och är gift med Esme Cullen. Han har precis filmat klart New Moon och i Augusti ska han börja filma in Eclipse. Båda är till Twilight. Den 8 juni 2009 fick Nurse Jackie premiär där Peter har en ganska stor roll. Han spelar Dr. Fitch Copper.
Filmer som Peter har vart med i (Taget från Twilightsweden):
2009 | The Absinthe Drinkers | Lucciola |
2009 | Thicker | Holloway |
2009 | New Moon | Dr. Carlisle Cullen |
2009 | Nurse Jackie | Dr. Cooper |
2008 | Twilight | Dr. Carlisle Cullen |
2008 | Finding Amanda | Greg |
2008 | Reaper | Jesus |
2007 | Damages | Gregory Malina (8 avsnitt) |
2007 | Lily | The Man |
2007 | Battle Olympia | Possessed Office High Jumper |
2007 | Arc | Paris |
2006 | The Lather Effect | Danny |
2006 | Touch the Top Of The World | Erik Weihenmayer |
2006 | Hollow Man II | Det. Frank Turner |
2006 | American Dad! | Miles (1 avsnitt) |
2005 | Enfants terribles | Curtis |
2005 | Chloe | ? |
2004-2005 | Six Feet Under | Jimmy (9 avsnitt) |
2002-2003 | Fastlane | Donovan ‘Van' (22 avsnitt) |
2002 | The Scorpion King | Takmet |
2001 | Riding in Cars with Boys | Tommy Butcher |
2001 | Tempted | Jimmy Mulate |
2001 | Rennie's Landing | Alec Nichols |
2000 | Honest | Daniel Wheaton |
2000 | Ropewalk | Charlie |
2000 | Supernova | Karl Larson |
1999 | Blue Ridge Fall | Danny Shepherd |
1999 | The Big Kahuna | Bob Walker |
1998 | Welcome To Hollywood | Actor |
1998 | Telling You | Phil Fazzulo |
1998 | Can't Hardly Wait | Mike |
1998 | Dancer, Texas Pop. 81 | Terrell Lee Lusk |
1997 | Touch Me | Bail |
1996 | Calm at Sunset | James Pfeiffer |
1996 | After Jimmy | Jimmy Stapp |
1996 | Foxfire | Ethan Bixby |
1996 | An Unfinished Affair | Rick Connor |
1995 | The Price of Love | Brett |
1995 | The Runaways | Bret |
1995 | Law & Order | Shane Sutter (1 avsnitt) |
1995 | Angela | Lucifer |
Rolig Fakta
- Peter är 1,78 m lång.
- Han har blåa ögon
- Peter är vegitarian
- Han gillar att träna Yoga
- Peter tränar sin dotters fotbolls och baseball lag.
- Peter och Kellan busade och skämtade hela tiden under inspelningen av Twilight.
Kom ihåg att jag söker gästbloggare!
Interwiev with Rachelle Lefevre
"They have fantastic chemistry together on-screen and you know that's the kind of thing that becomes the source of rumours," Lefevre says.
"People want them to be together. People would love to hear that -- that they fell in love on the set and so they read that into everything they see.
"But all I've seen are two people who have beautiful chemistry on-screen and are bonded. Kristen, before Twilight, already had a huge resume and had worked with some heavy hitters, but she had also flown under the radar.
"And Rob, he was in Harry Potter (and the Goblet of Fire), so he had some experience with fame, but it was nothing remotely like this. So when two people go through that experience together -- the fandom and everything -- it's going to bond them."

P.S Söker gästbloggare, kolla in i inlägget under.
Interwiev with Robert Pattinson
If he isn't already, Robert Pattinson will soon be a household name. The young British actor stars as the beautiful yet conflicted 107-year-old vampire Edward Cullen in Twilight, with Kristen Stewart as the 17-year-old mortal (Bella Swan) with whom he unexpectedly embarks on a dangerous, passionate love affair. For anyone living under a rock, the film version of Twilight is based on the first of Stephenie Meyer's immensely popular vampire novels, which have sold an estimated 17 million copies worldwide since 2005.
Just as they did when the Harry Potter novels were brought to the big screen, fans have been weighing in every step of the way. At first, there was criticism and resistance to Pattinson playing the lead role in the movie, directed by Thirteen's Catherine Hardwicke. Now, it would be an understatement to say fans are smitten, and that some even want to be bitten by him-literally.
In the days before the film premiered, the 22-year-old Pattinson-previously best known for his role as Cedric Diggory in two of the Potter films-sat down with Fandango to dish about the challenges of his breakout role, his on-screen relationship with Stewart, his passion for music and his already infamous head of hair.
Fandango:You're voted the "sexiest vampire" on Fandango. What do you think it is that makes Edward so appealing?
Pattinson: I really can't tell you, but maybe because it's modern. I'm kind of figuring it out myself. I'm sure they said Brad Pitt was the sexiest vampire when he did [1994's] Interview with the Vampire.
Fandango: What were some of the things that helped you immerse yourself in the role of Edward?
Pattinson: I was alone for a very long time. I went to Oregon before anyone else, about 2-1/2 months before, and just didn't talk to anyone. I worked with a trainer every day and went running, but I tried not to speak to anyone. So when the cast came...well, have you ever tried not speaking to anyone for weeks...the first person you talk to, the conversation is kind of strange. I spent a lot of time just reading the script and the books. I just wanted to make sure I knew as much about the character as possible.
Fandango: How would you describe the dynamic between Edward and Bella?
Pattinson: It's very kind of operatic. It's like a relationship straight out of a melodrama. You have two people who think that they'll die, or one of them will die, just by being together or that something terrible will happen, so it's just a complete melodrama. I mean, the way me and Kristen interpreted it is, Edward was this kind of demigod who's very reluctant. That's played against the needs of this normal 17-year-old girl who thinks he is some perfect being, but he's really just a guy who doesn't really have a meaning to his existence.
Fandango: Girls are going absolutely nuts over you and the character. What's the weirdest fan request you've gotten? Anything that freaked you out?
Pattinson: The weirdest was when I was in New York a few days ago at this event. A seven-year-old girl came up on the stage asked me to bite her and not even in a jokey way--she was serious--in a longing way! It made me think, "You don't know what you're asking. That would get me arrested." That was very, very odd.
Fandango: Fans go crazy about your hair. Do you like it long or are you just dying to cut it?
Pattinson: I haven't changed my hair for, like, years. I've never really had a specific look in mind. It is what it is... [laughs.] I don't really style my hair. It's so funny, a friend of mine from London came over and said, "Why is everyone going on about your hair all the time?" Everyone has hair like that in London. And around the world you see people with hair like that, so I don't see it being different at all. As soon as people started saying "that's his trademark" I thought I should shave my head as his trademark. I'm trying to convince them to shave my head for the second movie.
Fandango: Seriously?
Pattinson: Yeah. [laughs]
Fandango: What do you think about Edward's look with the topaz contacts and pale skin?
I have very sensitive eyes, so it took like 20 minutes to get in the contacts every single day. People said you get used to it after awhile, but after 3- 1/2 months, it never, ever got better. It also limits you... it's like you have these masks on your eyes which take away the life from them, which is very frustrating sometimes. You just have to be shot and look like you're expressionless.
Fandango: What was it like for you to have supernatural powers, and to do the flying scenes?
Robert Pattinson: It makes it harder to relate to an audience. For the big stunts, if I could jump 5,000 feet, why would I walk? It makes playing the actual character very difficult. I don't know why, but I went into it not thinking about the stunts or that it was a vampire film, but about the drama.
Fandango: Tell us about the piano song you composed for Twilight.
Pattinson: I did a scene where I played a thing that I made up. It was the best piano piece I've ever done in my life but it didn't really fit. In the end, as part of the whole score, it is very different than what I came up with. The song on the soundtrack, "Never Think"-my best friend who taught me how to play the guitar wrote the lyrics for it last year and I made it into a song, and the other one ("Let Me Sign") me and another guy wrote. They weren't meant for the movie, but Catherine heard them and put them in the cut, and I didn't know they would be on the soundtrack. I had thought it would be quite cool to have it be a secret thing and not have my name in the credits. Like a marketing gimmick. It was nice, and also helped my friends as well.
Fandango: If you had a chance to collaborate with any music artist, who would it be?
Pattinson: I saw Van Morrison last night at the Hollywood Bowl. I've seen him five times before and he really pulled it out of the bag. He played like it was 30 years ago. I would love to do something with him now. He was my inspiration for doing music in the first place. Yes, he's still got it. He played the entirety of his album Astral Weeks. The whole thing was unbelievable. He was just as free as he was when he was younger, which was amazing.
Fandango: Are you signed on to the other films, and which would be your favorite book to film?
Pattinson: I don't know what the specifics are. I went into it thinking it was going to be a trilogy. I think everything is dependent on how it does on November 21. Hopefully they'll do the second one and that's the one I liked most out of the series.
Ashley Greene
Ashley brukade vara en modell. Hon har gjort modell jobb för Fenk Junk, Vision NYC, Sutra och har blivit fotograferad av Carlos Armando för några kampanjer. Hennes skådespelarkarriär började år 2006 när hon var med som gäst i TV-Showen Crossing Jordan där hon spelade Ann Rappaport. Hon har även varit med i Punk'd. Ashley's först roll var i filmen King of California som kom ut 2007. Sedan har hon vart med i filmen Otis som är en thriller där hon spelade Kim och i filmen Radio Free Albemuth där hon spelade Rhonda.
Men mest känd är hon från Twilight filmen där hon spelar Alice Cullen som är Edward's syster. Alice kan se in i framtiden och hon är gift med Jasper Hale Cullen (Jackson Rathbone). Ashley har precis filmat klart New Moon som är fortsättningen av Twilight. I Augusti så börjar hon spela in Eclipse.
Ashley spelar in filmen Warrior tillsammans med sin Twilight co-star Kellan Luzt som spelar Emmett Cullen. Ashley har även huvudrollen i den nya thriller filmen Summer's blood.
Filmer som Ashley har vart med i (detta är taget från TwilightSweden):
2009 | Warrior | Brooklyn |
2009 | Radio Free Albemuth | Rhonda |
2009 | New Moon | Alice Cullen |
2009 | Summer's Blood | Summer |
2009 | Skateland | Michelle Burkham |
2008 | Twilight | Alice Cullen |
2007 | King of California | McDonald's Customer |
Rolig Fakta:
- Hon är god vän med Gossip Girl-skådisen Chace Crawford
- Hennes favoritfilm är Breakfast at Tiffany's
- Hennes favoritskådespelerska är Audrey Hepburn.
- Ashley är nära vän med Kellan Lutz och Rachelle Lefevre
- Ashley's smeknamn är Asher
- Hon är 1.65 meter lång.

Interwiev with Jamie Campbell Bower
Kan dem bara inte lägga av och låta Kristen och Robert vara ifred?

Interwiev with Kristen Stewart
You could leave home, disappear from the radar, have different circles of friends, and spend that hidden time figuring out who you are. Now, every move, every mistake, every shift in personality is Twittered, Facebooked, MySpaced, texted and tracked via an elaborate network of cellphones and websites.
That's how Kristen Stewart sees it. She became entrenched in the electronic babble when she became a superstar last year playing lovelorn good-girl Bella opposite smoldering vampire Edward (Robert Pattinson) in Twilight, the blockbuster adaptation of the best-selling novels.
The actress, 18, gets to explore what her life might have been like laying low a generation ago in Adventureland, opening Friday. The coming-of-age comedy about a girl and a guy who fall in love while toiling for the summer at a run-down amusement park is set in 1987 - three years before Stewart was born.
The teenage characters drink, smoke weed, lie to everyone (especially members of the opposite sex) and try their best to avoid abstinence (usually a reason for the lying).
"Movies like Adventureland remind you of a time my parents talk about when they were younger, when it seems like they were so much more independent," says Stewart, sitting in a beachside restaurant, her back to the ocean. "My dad was living on his own when he was 18. My mom was out (of the house) before she even graduated high school." Sometimes she wants to ask them: "God, do you guys realize -"
Her folks both got into show business, working behind the scenes. Her mother, Jules Mann-Stewart, is a script supervisor, and her father, John, is a producer and stage manager. She also has an older brother, Cameron.
Parents today, she says, "are incredibly hands-on." Then she is quick to clarify: "Not that my parents are overbearing or anything. ... Now it's a little different because I'm getting older, but a few years ago, if my parents didn't know where I was at a given time, that's sort of unacceptable. And it's very easy to track you down, considering."
It's not just ever-present parenting that makes growing up harder. It's your friends - and yourself, she says. Everyone is complicit in their own surveillance, especially young people, who chronicle their lives obsessively, maybe seeking validation, which is still no easier to find.
'Everyone knows who you are'
"You're so connected to people and they all know how to get to you, and everyone knows who you are, so explicitly. They think they know you. It's like, 'You really think you know me? I don't know me! How do you know I'm not different around someone else?' " Her voice gets a little loud, and she slumps back in her chair.
"It almost makes the secrets more important, those few things you actually do choose to keep to yourself," she says quietly.
Right now, Stewart may be Hollywood's only real teenager playing girls who are moody, reckless, cautiously sexual but still awkward, and more self-reliant than many parents would like to acknowledge.
Other stars her age tend to fall either into the fantasy realm of the squeaky-clean Hannah Montana/Jonas Brothers variety, or play teens who seem more like they're established jet-setters, as with the campy-fun Gossip Girl.
Stewart has earned both praise and criticism for being a kind of sulky girl on-screen - the kind you can see sleeping until noon, getting into a fight with her parents and running away, only to try sneaking back in just past curfew.
Crooked games, misfit friends
In Adventureland, she's a bit of a rebel playing Em, a quiet but tough girl who works one of the crooked games at the theme park. Jesse Eisenberg (The Squid and the Whale) stars as uptight James, a fellow lost soul and minimum-wage slave who tries to work up the courage to win over Em as they both grapple with fractured families, misfit friends and hostile parkgoers.
As James draws closer to her, he discovers that there are as many different Ems as there are giant stuffed pandas in his games booth. "For Em, no part of her lives are connected," Stewart says. "She is a different person in every one of the circumstances."
Adventureland was written and directed by Greg Motolla (Superbad, The Daytrippers), who based it on his own experiences working at a theme park of the same name on New York's Long Island.
He says the girl in the story "needed to be complicated and needed to be truly conflicted. We needed an actress who can convey a really believable sense of strength," he says. "I knew with Kristen that character wouldn't just be a brat. With Kristen, you can't dismiss her that easily. She's no pushover."
Em maybe isn't much of a role model, but the actress says there is something true about her, and beautiful, in a way the character doesn't even realize. "They are both unaware of how cool they are; they don't feel worthy," she says of the main characters. "I feel like it's a pretty common thing."
Stewart could be a case study. Feeling worthy of media attention appears to be a struggle. At the start of the interview, she says she's bad at this - talking about her movies, and herself.
"Really, I'm incredibly disjointed and not candid," she says. "Just in general, my thoughts tend to come out in little spurts that don't necessarily connect. If you hang around long enough, you can find, like, the linear path. But it will take a second.
That's why these interviews never go well for me."
It's why she has been slammed by some reporters and why she had what some considered a disastrous interview with David Letterman for Twilight.
She has a reputation of being cranky, or a bit aloof. But over the course of about two hours, she reveals a kind of insecurity. She tries to say something, thinks it's coming out wrong, stops and starts again, then finally gets frustrated - and clams up.
Another thing that makes her stop in mid-sentence: teenage girls. A group enters the restaurant, and Stewart abruptly shuts up until they pass. She apologizes, a little embarrassed, and whispers: "If those type of girls saw me talking about Twilight, you don't understand. If I said 'Jacob' too loud, they'd be like -" She makes her eyes wide and sticks her hands out like claws.
"More than three girls of that certain age - run away," she says, laughing as the threat settles in a distant part of the patio. "Girls are scary. Large groups of girls scare the (crap) out of me."
She says Pattinson gets it worse. "They covet him. I think half of them are so jealous that they hate me," she jokes.
It doesn't help that many Twilight-ers want her and Pattinson to be a real-life couple. She's actually dating Michael Angarano, 21, whom she co-starred with in the 2004 drama Speak.
"It doesn't make my relationship harder. It's not like, 'Maybe I should be with (Pattinson) to make them happy and it'll make me more popular!' " Stewart laughs, adding that her real boyfriend "is totally not a threatened guy. But, dude, it sucks."
Why the adoration?
But Stewart is mostly grateful for Twilight - though she doesn't think she did anything special.
"I'm really proud of Twilight. I think it's a good movie. It was hard to do, and I think it turned out pretty good. But I don't take much credit for it. So when you show up at these places, and there's literally like a thousand girls and they're all screaming your name, you're like, why? You don't feel like you deserve it."
One person who thinks Stewart did contribute a lot to Bella is Twilight author Stephenie Meyer. The character is regarded by some as overly passive, letting her vampire paramour take control, but Meyer says Stewart, currently shooting series sequel New Moon, gives the character an inner forcefulness.
"Kristin does a version of Bella that's very strong. And you can see that what she's doing is maturely thought out," Meyer says. "In a lot of ways she's a little bit impetuous, but you get the sense that she's very adult about what she's doing. She comes across as a girl who's very serious and who happens to know what she wants."
That also describes Stewart as she navigates her way to adulthood, on-screen and off. Unlike her Adventureland character, she's not able to hide any of it.
Interwiev with Justin Chon
J-14: In Twilight, did you draw from your own high school experience to flirt with Bella Swan in the cafeteria?
Justin Chon: Of course. As an actor you're always trying to draw from real stuff to make it real, but I would say in acting terms, you use like substitutions and you think back to the moment. I just tried to make him as awkward as possible and just overly excited about everything.
J-14: What was it like flirting with Kristen Stewart?
Justin: Her character is just really awkward. So you put two really awkward people together and it's just a really funny thing to see them try and have a fluid conversation.
J-14: What was your reaction to all of the paparazzi at the airport when you landed in Vancouver?
Justin: The paparazzi were a total surprise. I think there's a picture of me with my mouth open. It's really pretty funny because I just had no idea what was going on. And I asked Anna [Kendrick], "Wait are they taking pictures of us?" We just had no idea and then we realized they were taking pictures of us and we were just like, "Whoa!"
J-14: You're a musician -- and so are Rob Pattinson, Jackson Rathbone, and Nikki Reed... what was it like working with such a musical cast?
Justin: It's kind of weird because everyone is like, "Oh yeah! I play guitar!" And then for me, I just didn't even tell anybody. I was just like, "Yeah, I guess everyone plays the guitar so maybe I shouldn't say anything because it doesn't make me special."
Interwiev with Kellan Lutz
Kellan Lutz opened up about the upcoming Twilight movies! He talks about his favorite scene in New Moon, one of his first memories getting recognized by fans and more!
On filming New Moon:
"I'm done with New Moon. It was really easy to work on with [Director] Chris Weitz. It all starts with the director, and he really moves the tempo with shooting. And he's just so mellow and relaxed that it trickled down to the crew. And they were really prepared and it trickled down to the actors, who were really comfortable. And since Twilight was really accepted by the fans, it really allowed us to feel comfortable in our shoes."
On what to look forward to in NM:
"Something to really look forward to is Jackson Rathbone's scene when he's playing Jasper, and Bella cuts her finger at her birthday party. He really loses himself there. He really transformed himself and got there, so it was really cool to see. And I think the fans will really like to see that and be surprised with how fierce he looked and got."
On continuing to play Emmett:
"Emmett has quite a larger role with Eclipse and then Breaking Dawn, so I'm really excited to shoot Eclipse coming up soon and then hopefully Breaking Dawn!
On encountering fans:
"As far as the fans, I guess nothing too bizarre [has happened]. The conventions are always on lockdown, and at the publicity events, we have security. But when I'm in LA and I'm walking around -- I was driving one day, leaving my neighborhood and this car pulled up right next to me and they started screaming out their window! They told me to roll the window down, and I'm like 'What the heck is going on?' And I roll my window down and it's "Emmett!" Just screaming! And I'm like, 'Oh, that's why!' I forgot and this was right after we were done shooting [Twilight], so I really didn't know the hype for the movie. Or that fans had so much love for it! So when that happened, I was just realy taken back."
Interwiev with Robert Pattinson
Move over Zac efron... Have you met the High School Musical star?
We met at an awards show. He's the new face of success. But he's all the opposite of what I thought he would be. He's so honest and down to earth. You'd think he's so prepared for the press, but he's not.
What do fans say about you when they meet you in person?
They are increadibly opinionated. They have very clear ideas as to how I should live my life. Who knew 15 years old could be so moralistic?
Is it true that you did castings for vampire characters before?
Yes, I did an audition for True Blood, but that didn't work out. I didn't think I would get the role of Edward Cullen either, because the character is very enigmatic. I didn't want to play the biggest vampire stereotype, so I tried to humanize him.
When you got the role a lot of fans were very angry....
They didn't want me. They sent me hate messages and the Internet was full of comments. They said I looked like a bum.
Do you understand why Edward appeals so much to young girls?
No, I don't get why people like this character in such an obsessive level. The fact that he's so polite and opens doors for girls, all that. I don't get why teenagers like this stuff.
Did you get along with Kristen Stewart?
In the beginning I thought: "She's so serious, so I have to be very serious too". And I went on without talking to her for like two weeks. She must have thought I was stuck up. I only spoke to her about the movie, other movies, books, serious stuff. But I felt like an idiot. I dropped the act and we got along great.
It's been said on numerous occasions that you're in love with her and that you proposed to her on the set of the movie...
I don't remember that happening, but if that's what she said, then it's true.
How did your career being?
I started as a model when I was 12. I was the youngest one in the agency. I was so skinny, I looked like a girl, and back then the whole androgenous look was in. Then I did some amateur theater and then I began to go to castings.
And you were chosen for Reese Witherspoon's movie Vanity Fair...
Yes, but my part was cut from the movie. That's how I got Harry Potter, the casting director felt guilty.
Why didn't you get more roles after Harry Potter?
I went on several auditions but they kept telling me I was scary....
And your agent sent you to LA to do more castings and you got the role of Edward. Weren't you sent to media training after you were chosen for the role?
Yes. My agent kept getting messages like "he's resisting the training!" (laughs), I just didn't want to answer like I was a robot. Not even little children like to hear the same answers, it's boring!
What have you been up to since you finished Twilight?
I've been living in LA. I learned how to drive and I've been exploring the city. It's a very different culture from London. There isn't many pubs and people here don't get how normal it is in London to just go out for a beer. They think it's bizarre.
Do you have a car yet?
A 1989 BMW convertible. The convertible top is broken, the dashboard caught on fire when I was driving and the back seats look like a dumpster with all my old trash. And I just hope the red button that just turned on isn't something I should worry about. (laughs).
Have you made any new friends in Hollywood?
A couple. Most of them are from the industry. I go out with club promoters and PR people. I always get my picture taken coming out of the dodgiest places. It's embarrasing. I went out everyday for like a week until I realized that people must think I was some sort of drunk.
What do you do on your spare time?
I'm a musician. I know all actors say they're musicians, but I've been doing it for years. I play the piano since I was four and classical guitar since I was five. I just started playing blues and similar stuff. I'm not a virtuoso, but I'm not that bad either.
You used to be seen playing in little bars...
I did it a couple of times, until some people filmed me and put me up on youtube. They ruined the experience. Now it would be impossible to play again like that.
Who's your favorite musician?
Van Morrison. I own all his albums.
Your sister is in the music business as well, isn't she?
Lizzy had a very successful song with her band Aurora. My other sister works in advertising. I'm the youngest.
They treated you like their own doll, didn't they?
They dressed me up like a girl, yes! (laughs). But it all changed when I turned 12.
You play Salvador Dali in you next movie, how was the experience?
It's marked a before and an after. I got obsessed with Dali, read everything I could about him. It's the first role in which I could reflect about it more seriously. He was the weirdest bloke, but I feel I understood him. He was very, very shy.
It looks like you have a bright future a head of you....
It's funny how things change. After being unemployed for so long, you start thinking "I'm not gonna mess this up again". So now, I'll only think about how I'm going to play a role. My only concern is to not mess this up. I don't want to be an idiot and that's a real possibility.

Interwiev with Ashley Greene
What is your daily beauty regimen? Ashley: I started using BORBA products... they're amazing and leave my face glowing. My daily regimen usually consists of the BORBA: Age Defying Micro Diamond Cleanser, Elastin Fiber Concentrate, HD Illuminating light effects serum, Orbital Eye Rejuvenator and the Age Defying Advanced Recovery Cream. To get eye makeup off, I use the Lancome remover. I also use the MAC wipes to get all the makeup off before my regimen. And of course sunscreen...usually Kiehl's or Dermalogica. Dermalogica also has a really great "special clearing booster" for spot treatment on blemishes. Is your regimen any different when you're filming? It's a little more involved on set with hot towel treatments and Demalogica pre-cleanse to get all that white makeup off. We use a lot Dermalogica products...I love the Microfoliant! Do you like to wear makeup when not filming, or do you prefer to go natural? I don't really wear foundation...I prefer tinted moisturizer if anything. Usually after the Borba process I don't need it - my skin is in pretty healthy shape. It's usually Mascara, concealer and lip gloss. You recently cut your hair (and it looks great!). Was it for your role as "Alice", or something you wanted to do for yourself? Do you prefer it shorter or longer? Thanks! I cut it to make my hair fit under the Alice wig properly. I didn't have to go quite so short but I figured it's the only time I would EVER do it. I'm a long hair girl... I've had long hair my whole life. It's cute short, but I'll grow it back out. In your opinion, what makes someone beautiful? I think a lot of what makes someone beautiful is how a person presents themselves. I was talking to someone the other day about how I find French woman so beautiful... it's something they possess inherently. I feel like when someone has a zest for life they come off vibrant and beautiful. What are your favorite beauty products? BORBA (all of which I mentioned) and Dermalogica. I love Matrix sleek products for my hair - they work very well for me. Rose bud lip gloss is the best. YSL has a great illuminating concealer. Shiseido you can't go wrong with either... their tinted moisturizer is great. I also just found this amazing line in Europe called "Becca;" their stuff is amazing... I have to stock up when I go back because it isn't sold in the US! Who is your beauty icon? Audrey Hepburn is classically beautiful. Did you always want to get into acting? If you weren't acting what would you want to be doing? I caught the acting bug when I was about 15. I was interested in a lot of things growing up... Law, Sociology, and Psychology mainly. I always loved doing make-up as well. You hosted the DonateMyDress prom-dress drive, which looked like an amazing event! How was that experience? It was amazing. Nothing can top that feeling of helping someone else out and seeing their joy. To see first-hand how you can give so much to someone by doing so little is incredible. Do you ever have mornings where you wake up and just don't feel beautiful? If so, what do you do to make yourself feel better? Um, yeah, all the time! No one is perfect, everyone has their insecurities. The gym helps a bit

What is playing on your ipod right now? Jason Mraz and Kings of Leon. Oh and always Lady GaGa at the gym! What is something about you that someone would never guess just from meeting you? I'm a romantic...but only when I find the right person. Otherwise, I'm like a dude in a relationship. Where do you see yourself in 10 years (if you're even thinking that far down the line)? I don't. I can't. I've got so much going on right now... my life is kind of a whirlwind at the moment. What were you like in high school? I was just ready to get out.....I like learning, but I get bored easily. I was very social, very involved very independent. I had a lot going on. Who is your celebrity crush? Hmmm......Love everyone from Kings of Leon....I've got a crush on the band as a whole. I maaaay have a crush on LiL Wayne and I'm pretty sure I've got a crush on Jackson Rathbone too. Lip Gloss or Lip Stain? Gloss... and Chapstick. Heels or Flats?
Depends.... Almost ALWAYS flat during the day.
Han vill bort från NY
"Han är så över allt. Han är överväldigad av alla flickor, de skrämmer honom!
Han säger att flickorna tar tag i hans hals och kläder hela tiden, och det är han inte van vid.
Fans gör inte det mot honom i London. Alla där är lite lugnare med kändisgrejen, och det är det han är van vid."
Stjärnans missnöje har även gjort hans "Remember Me" co-stars oroliga.
"Han är så mager och stressad. Alla på inspelningen är oroliga för honom", erkänner vår källa.
"Robert förstår inte varför alla är så galna i honom", fortsätter insidern.
"Han är generad av hur tjejer kastar sig på honom. Flickorna här förföljer honom. Han stannade i två olika hotell under fyra dagar bara för att undgå fans som följde efter honom. Han är rädd för att ifall han skulle ge en hand så skulle de ta hela armen. Han har fått tips av säherheten att inte uppmuntra publiken, så nu kollar han inte ens upp.
Den vackra stjärnan höll ner huvudet tidigt förra veckan vid Crestwoods tågstation där Remember Me spelades in.
Under en paus, var han påväg till det lokala bageriet Martine's, där ett ögonvittne observerats, "Han var helt tyst i det offentliga, men när han kom tillbaka till besättningen började han tala om hur glad han var för att vara borta från alla nyfikna ögon i Manhattan." '
Detta är inte första gången som Pattinsons offentliga paranoia har fötts upp huvudet. Han berättade för en australiensk tidning i juni att han började gråta medans han spelade in New Moon i Italien eftersom:
"Jag [gråter] när folk skriker på mig"
Han kan åtminstone finna tröst från hans längtan genom att vara ute några nätter på stan - vi har sett honom dricka på local spots like Black and White, the Bowery Hotel, Freemans och Webster Hall.
Han hatar New York!
Den brittiska skådespelaren som filmar sin nya film, Remember Me, i NY är tydligen desperat om att få återvända till London.
Respektera honom! Det är ju hemskt att han måste följas av galna fans, ni kan det lite lugnare!

Förra veckan upptäckte hon att hon inte kunde vänta och bad sin nära vännina att gå och köpa ett graviditetstest kit.
"Kristen frågade en nära vän om hon kunde köpa testet eftersom hon var orolig att någon skulle se henne vid apoteket," säger en källa till NW. "Hon är verkligen nervös och orolig över situationen."
Paret, som inte ens har gått ut till allmänheten med sin romantik ännu står nu inför den tuffa utmaningen för deras förhållande, eftersom de nu kämpar med nyheten att de kanske skulle kunna bli föräldrar.
Kristen började först misstänka någonting när hon inte fått sin mens.
"När hon räknat ut att hon var sen, började hon misstänka att hon var gravid," säger en kompis.
"Och på grund av tidpunkten tror hon att Rob kan vara far till barnet".

Hur orkar dem? Jag tror då inte en sekund att det är sant. Tror ni?
Interwiev with Peter Facinelli
They save all that for Rob Pattinson! My character is more of a patriarch figure, and the fans have been very respectful. I'm pretty easygoing and I stop and take a lot of pictures with them. Sometimes I find the more you try to run away from it, the harder it is. For Rob, it's very overwhelming. For me, it's the right amount. The perfect amount.
Are there any scenes from the books that you hope make it into the films?
For "New Moon," there's a scene with Bella (Kristin Stewart) where I stitch her up. I was excited to shoot that scene because it was a pivotal scene. It kind of sets up the whole reason why Rob's character doesn't want to change her into a vampire. I hope it stays in the movie because I feel like it's essential and it's a really nice scene for Carlisle and Bella; it's an intimate thing. It's a scene where a lot of information is being given and it shows another side of Carlisle, a soft side of him that I like. I'd be bummed if that was out.
Ever run into a fake Peter Facinelli on Twitter?
There's a Peter Faceinelli that just came onboard. He has 14 followers. The guy can't even spell my name right, so he is obviously not me, but for some reason those 14 people think he is.
Have you ever been as rabid a fan of something as these "Twilight" fans are?
No. I've got to hand it to Twilight fans. [A] guy flew from Denver for an autograph signing; I don't think there's anyone that I would get on an airplane and fly to get an autograph from. That's a diehard fan, and I'm very humbled. That's why I try to go out of my way when I see fans to give back.
How do you deal with the paparazzi?
They're going to take the picture anyway, so I tend to stop and wave and then keep going on my way. I try to remind myself it's a picture in a paper, it's going run and it's going to be gone. It sucks if you've been on an airplane for six hours and you're tired and you look like junk and they want to shove a camera in your face, it's annoying in that respect, but I try to take it all with a grain of salt and move forward.
Do you see much of the cities you travel to for conventions?
It's usually a quick trip, but you get the sense of the towns through the people. I'm excited to visit Atlanta; I've never been. I'm looking forward to meeting the people there. [Conventions are] great because a lot of people live far from L.A .and New York, and it's fun to spread it out all over. As cast members, we've gotten to go and visit some really great places.
Do you like burgers? If so, you've got to check out the Vortex while you're here.
Yeah, I love burgers. We'll go to the Vortex. You'll have to take me there.