10 list


10. I may be from Tennessee but you're the only ten I see!

9. Wanna see me crush a boulder?

8. I'd love to see how many houses we can smash.

7. You're into cars? I make one heck of a jack.

6. Wanna cuddle? I'll be your teddy bear.

5. (To a blonde) My brother may prefer brunettes, but I know blondes have more fun...

4. I hear hell isn't bad if you get to keep an angel with you- could I take you with me?

3. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because with a face like that, you must be an angel.

2. Wanna be my monkey woman?

1. You're no irritable grizzly but right now I'm eating you up



10. I have a private island. Wanna see it?

9. "Pardon me Miss. I...uhh..hello? Dang it! She fainted again. Why can't I stop dazzling people?"

8. Cullen. Edward Cullen.

7. Hi, I'm Edward. I can be the super hero or the bad guy.

6. I play the field. And it looks like I just hit a home run with you.

5. "I'm an addict. Will you be my heroin?"

4. "Have you been drinking? Or do I intoxicate you?"

3. Hi. The voices in my head just told me to come talk to you.

2. "My sister can see the future. Let me give you a clue, it's Me + You."

1. Am I dead? Because I think I just met an angel.


10. You seem a little tense. Would you like a chill pill or just a hit of me?

9. How are you feeling? Oh, wait, don't tell me ... let me guess.

8. I must really be dead, Angel, ‘cause this has to be heaven!

7. It's not my fault I fell in love. Your emotions are what tripped me.

6. Your lips may say no, but your endorphins say yes.

5. I can feel the love tonight ... wanna share?

4. My name is Jasper...but you can call me Dr. Feelgood.

3. I know exactly how you feel. Wanna know how I feel?

2. So...did you ever hear the saying ‘everything's bigger in Texas'?

1. Hey, Darlin', do you want to see my battle scars?


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